Hakkenden: Tōhō Hakken Ibun Wiki

Beads (玉, Tama), also known as Balls or Gems, are small objects that all Eight Dog Warriors were born with. They have different colors and kanji on them.


There are eight bead holders all together, representing the eight young men who appeared with Princess Fuse to fight Tama-Azusa in "the time of darkness". Shino and Sosuke have been charged with gathering together the bead holders for some reason by Rio. So far all the bead holders have five things in common; they all have a bead, a peony mark somewhere on their bodies, "Inu" at the beginning of their last names, they've all died and come back to life, and they all have a guardian or ability that is keeping them alive.


  • (孝) - devotion, filial piety

Holder: Shino Inuzuka

  • Gi (義) - duty, obligation, righteousness

Holder: Sosuke Inukawa

  • Shin (信) - faith and integrity

Holder: Genpachi Inukai

  • Tei (悌) - brotherhood, brotherly affection

Holder: Kobungo Inuta

  • Chū (忠) - loyalty

Holder: Dosetsu Inuyama

  • Chi (知) - wisdom

Holder: Keno Inusaka

  • Rei (礼) - etiquette, courtesy, gratitude

Holder: Daikaku Inumura

  • Jin (仁) - benevolence, sympathy

Holder: Shinobu Inue


  • Shinobu's bead and his name are written with the same kanji, 仁. Jin is also the greatest and most perfect virtue of all, according to Confucianism, so the holder of this bead should be the most powerful as well.[1]


